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The Four Major Figures Associated with Post-Impressionism

(1)基尚(Paul Cézanne 1839-1906)

(2)梵高 (Vincent van Gogh:h 1853-1890)

(3)哥更(Paul Gauguin 1849-1903)

(4)路沙(Henri Rousseau 1844-1910)

(1) Paul Cézanne (1839-1906):
Paul Cézanne, a leading figure in Post-Impressionism, is often referred to as the "father of modern painting." He devoted his entire life tirelessly to art. Cézanne used a simple and seemingly sluggish touch, applying paint in blocks on the canvas. He opposed the theory that one should outline the shapes of objects before applying color. Instead, he believed that color and form emerge simultaneously, expressing the form and texture of objects through brushstrokes.

(2) Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890):
Vincent van Gogh was a passionately emotional painter who, at times, struggled with mental health issues, leading him to enter psychiatric hospitals. His approach to creation was fervent, often painting ceaselessly from morning to night, sometimes forgetting everything else even under the intense sun. Van Gogh produced numerous oil paintings, demonstrating his intense dedication to his craft.

(3) Paul Gauguin (1849-1903):
Paul Gauguin, considered an "eccentric" painter, was, in fact, not eccentric; his perceived eccentricity was a form of protest against the chaotic and vulgar urban life of Paris at that time. To escape the disorderly city life, Gauguin sought refuge in the primitive existence of the South Pacific's Tahiti. Many of his works were created during his time on the island.

(4) Henri Rousseau (1844-1910):
Originally a soldier, Henri Rousseau retired due to the harsh realities of the Franco-Prussian War. Transitioning to painting, he became good friends with Gauguin. Rousseau, like Gauguin, was a painter who idealized primitive life and sought an escape from the complexities of modern society. These aspirations, however, may have been a form of unavoidable escapism.


Yeh Toh Yen


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